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When we switch our shopping we support a trusted source for American Made, Family-Owned Consumer Goods

We help Americans break up with mega-corporations and move their shopping to an American Made, Family Owned Manufacturer that competes with Walmart, Target & Amazon on price, quality, and customer service.

Freedom is never given; it is won.

A. Phillip Randolph.

The vast majority of consumer brands in our country are owned and controlled by few mega-corporations.

Many of the so-called "Manufacturers of Natural Products" have been absorbed by giant American Corporations.



Comparable Prices

Non-toxic Products

Supports American
Jobs and Families

No Mainstream Advertising

Made in the USA

With our dollars, we support a trusted source for American Made, Family-Owned Consumer Goods

Many of the consumer goods we buy today (for us, our kids and even our pets) from these mega corporations come with warning labels, and there is a reason for that! is trending now!


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